"If individuals are no longer able to speak and rely on assistive communication systems, such as a speech tablet, they should have access to these at all times. It is encouraging and impressive to see that MindSpeaker has now taken the first step in enabling the operation of assistive communication systems through brain signals, thereby increasing accessibility."
Brain Computer Interface
MindSpeaker+ MindClick introduces in-ear EEG to restore natural communication, simply by clicking with your mind.
Still have your voice?
Preserve it with our software! Start recording now for the best quality voice clone. The sooner you begin, the better the results.
Facing slurred speech due to a neurodegenerative disease? Our eye-controlled speech assistant can help you maintain clear communication.
Losing the ability to speak? With or without eye-tracking, MindClick helps you reconnect with others using only your intention to communicate.
On September 17, 2024, MindSpeaker launched its assistive BCI communication tablet at Europe's largest Rehabilitation Fair.
Read some of our remarkable user experience testimonials and contact us to try MindSpeaker for yourself!